two young people laugh into the camera, to the right of them is written, get the best possible start after school

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We offer you

Strong team
Fair salary
Excellent vocational training
Pleasant work environment
Stability and security

You can find more information on the apprenticeships as well as cooperative and dual study programs in our brochure (German version).

What you will also experience during your training at Dieffenbacher

What you will experience during your cooperative or dual study program at Dieffenbacher

Student intership at Dieffenbacher

During a student internship with us, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about various professions and then decide whether and for which profession you would like to apply. Internships are available year-round, depending on capacity.

Meet us in person

  • 21.3.2025: Night of Code, Hartmanni Gymnasium Eppingen
  • 22.3.2025: Tag des dualen Studiums 2025, DHBW Mosbach
  • April 2025: IKORO, Hochschule Rosenheim
  • 06. - 07.5.2025: KIT Karrieremesse, Karlsruhe
  • 14.5.2025: Campusmesse Düsseldorf, Hochschule Düsseldorf
  • 26. - 30.5.2025: LIGNA, Hanover
  • 21.10.2025: Career Contacts, Hochschule Karlsruhe
  • November 2025: MeetIT, Hochschule Heilbronn

Training at other locations

Download DEA brochure

Here’s what you’ll need for your application to Dieffenbacher and what happens after we receive your application:

The application documents as a pdf file include:

  • Your cover letter
  • Your curriculum vitae
  • Your previous certificates
  • Additionally for apprenticeships, dual studies and cooperative studies: internship confirmation, if applicable
  • Additionally for student internships, thesis and working student activities: certificate of enrollment, current transcript of grades, 
    excerpt from the examination regulations for thesis, residence permit of work permit, if applicable

Please provide all documents in a single PDF document.

If it goes well, your application process at Dieffenbacher will look like this:

More insights for you

Sporting successes of Dieffenbacher teams

Dieffenbacher celebrates 150 years

Award for self-developed AI solution

Staying Abroad in Finland - a field report

All Insights & Stories

Wherever possible, we use neutral terms and paraphrases, provided these do not restrict the readability, comprehensibility and accessibility of our website text. As a rule, we refrain from using explicit formulations for the reasons stated above. Whenever we refer to employees, applicants, students, etc., on this website, this naturally includes people of all genders (male, female and diverse) equally.