Rheinspan’s commitment to “urban wood”, as they like to call it, was evident in 2012 when the company invested in a cleaning line for recycled wood. Two DIEFFENBACHER ClassiScreen roller screens were installed to screen and clean the recycling material and sort it by particle size. That paved the way for a project that began in 2017. Rheinspan invested around 10 million euros in a state-of-the-art urban wood cleaning line from DIEFFENBACHER. Following the installation of machinery and subsequent trial runs, three-shift operation began at the end of September 2019.
Since then, the plant has operated reliably, cleaning 28 tons of urban wood per hour. The process reliably removes impurities from the wood and ensures that the finished boards are free of metallic or mineral substances that could damage the downstream machinery in Rheinspan customers’ furniture factories. The urban wood cleaning line ensures that there is absolutely no difference in board quality between particleboard made from fresh wood and particleboard made from the cleaned urban wood.