A man smiles into the camera, to the right of her is written, work globally and be respected

Together, we write your success story

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We offer you

Strong team
Process understanding
Fair salary
Work appreciation

Let us know your plans, and together we’ll create the conditions for you to write your personal and professional success story with us.

Current vacancies and topics for theses are listed on the Dieffenbacher job portal. If there’s not a suitable offer currently available for you, please send us an unsolicited application. Let’s explore topics and opportunities together. We’re eager for your expertise and fresh ideas!

Your working environment

More insights for you

Award for self-developed AI solution

Sporting successes of Dieffenbacher teams

A man sits in front of the word Lahti

Staying Abroad in Finland - a field report

New laboratory drying system for TH Rosenheim

All Insights & Stories

Wherever possible, we use neutral terms and paraphrases, provided these do not restrict the readability, comprehensibility and accessibility of our website text. As a rule, we refrain from using explicit formulations for the reasons stated above. Whenever we refer to employees, applicants, students, etc., on this website, this naturally includes people of all genders (male, female and diverse) equally.