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We offer you

Strong team
Family friendliness
Fair salary
Work-life balance
Stability and security

Your tasks and areas of application in administrative and commercial jobs

Your working conditions at DIEFFENBACHER

Family, career and working hours

With flextime, mobile working days and sabbaticals, you can organize your work time and private life in the best possible way. As a family business, we want you to be able to combine family and career. Benefits such as a week of childcare for specific age groups during summertime support your work-life balance.

Salary, security and stability

Excel in an environment of more than 150 years of success, family tradition and progress. Our long-standing customer relationships in various markets worldwide are a solid foundation for your career planning and job security. You’ll receive a fair, performance-related salary per the applicable IG Metall collective agreement. In addition, you’ll receive a performance bonus and, if applicable, a shift bonus and travel allowance.


As an empowered team member, you’ll contribute to our exceptional products and corporate success.


Sustainability is anchored in everything we do. You’ll work directly or indirectly on green solutions that require fewer resources, use recycled materials as raw materials and require less energy.

Working environment

Depending on your job, you’ll work in the office, a logistics or production hall, at home or on customer projects and construction sites. Our offices have modern IT equipment and are equipped with height-adjustable desks. In Eppingen, you can spend your break in the company restaurant, a coffee kitchen or a nearby park, for example.

Work location

Can’t quite imagine working in a small town like Eppingen? Get to know the atmosphere and opportunities of our specialist workshop between Heilbronn, Heidelberg, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe and experience a high quality of life for families. There’s plenty of space for peace and quiet but lots of big-city excitement and sophistication.

Learn more about Eppingen and our other international locations and the respective benefits on the following page:

Locations and benefits

Website Eppingen (in German)

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