Together, we write your success story

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We offer you

Strong team
Fair salary
Craftsman opportunities

Your working conditions at Dieffenbacher

Salary, security and stability

Over 150 years of experience, family tradition and progress: Our long-standing customer relationships in markets worldwide are a solid foundation for your career planning and job security. You’ll receive a fair, performance-related salary per the applicable IG Metall collective agreement.


Teamwork and camaraderie are important to us. You’ll be a fully empowered team member contributing to our exceptional products and company’s success. Together with your team, you’ll work on the construction site to implement creative, flexible solutions to problems.

Work location – At home in the world

As an employee in commissioning, assembly or service technology, you’ll travel the world with us. Our customers operate our machines and systems in over 80 countries, from Egypt to New Zealand. With travel activities of around 90% in commissioning, assembly and site management and 50-70% in service, you’ll visit exciting locations and learn about new countries and cultures.

Your place of residence is completely flexible. If you travel on personal time for work, you’ll be compensated with additional vacation days.

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Dieffenbacher celebrates 150 years

Thermoplastic carbon bicycle frames

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