Actual or potential violations of laws and guidelines
Complaints under the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)
Reports can be submitted by all DIEFFENBACHER employees and by customers, suppliers, business partners or other third parties. The reporting procedure is open to all persons, both internal and external.
You can access the electronic reporting system via the direct link to the reporting system or via the "Report an incident" button at the bottom of this page.
Frequently asked questions, e.g., what happens to your submitted reports and on topics such as anonymity, confidentiality and data protection, are answered in the procedural rules for the reporting procedure and in the data protection declaration.
Please note that questions relating to our products and services or general concerns should be addressed to our service departments via the "Contact" section or directly by telephone or e-mail. The electronic reporting system is only intended to be used for reporting the above-mentioned incidents at DIEFFENBACHER or along the supply chain.