Together, we write your personal success story

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We offer you

Strong team
Challenging projects
Family friendliness
Contribution to sustainability
Advanced technology

Your working conditions

Working hours

With flextime, mobile working days and sabbatical offers, you can better organize your work time and private life. 

Working environment

In our Automation department, you’ll work on dynamic SCRUM teams to help advance the automation of our systems and machines. Our friendly offices have modern IT equipment and height-adjustable desks.

After work, the get-together of the SCRUM teams in an Eppingen pub is a great way to wind down.

Work location

You won’t work under palm trees, but you could help automate sustainable production plants that produce OSB boards from palm fronds (customer AL Talah in Abu Dhabi). Can’t quite imagine working in a small town like Eppingen? Get to know the atmosphere and the opportunities of the specialist workshop between Heilbronn, Heidelberg, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. There’s plenty of space for peace and quiet, but you’ll also have opportunities for big-city excitement and sophistication.

Locations and benefits

Website Eppingen (in German)

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An owl sitting an a tree in the background a dark forest.

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