An electric car

Products for e-mobility

 Long Fiber Thermoplats press preoduced by Dieffenbacher stand in a production hall.

LFT-D – Long Fiber Thermoplast Directline

Material-friendly production of thermoplastic structural components. The DIEFFENBACHER two-extruder technology enables more efficient and flexible LFT component production.

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Fully automated SMC (Sheet Molding Compound) system as a graphic

SMC – Cutting line Fibercut

Automated production of sheet molding compound components. Take your SMC component production to the next level. 

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 Composites Fiberforge produced by Dieffenbacher

Tape laying system Tailored Blank Line

Produce up to one million components per year with the Tailored Blank Line consisting of Fiberforge tape laying equipment and Fibercon consolidation. 

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