Brand name EVORIS in front of a network of neurons on a blue background with two badges of an a award.
A machine in the background, in the foreground the word "Evoris"
An owl sitting an a tree in the background a dark forest.
A screenshot of the Software EVORIS

EVORIS Apps for forming technology

EVORIS at our customer Autoneum in Switzerland

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How EVORIS makes the production of automotive components at Autoneum more efficient

Awards for our AI-based digitalization platform EVORIS

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Our AI-based digitalization solution EVORIS was honored with two awards: “Allianz Industrie 4.0 Award 2023 Baden-Württemberg” and “KI-Champion Baden-Württemberg 2024”. Find out more about the AI Champion Baden-Württemberg 2024 award in the video. Source: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism Baden-Württemberg.

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