Composites Fiberforge produced by Dieffenbacher

Dieffenbacher tape laying process

Tapelaying process graphic

The Tailored Blank Line is a completely integrated production system. It enables you to produce more than one million lightweight components per year using thermoplastic tapes. The Fiberforge tape laying system and the Fibercon consolidation system are at the heart of this solution. Together with upstream and downstream processes such as tape loading and the Dieffenbacher Fiberpress, you benefit from a flexible and extremely fast production process for thermoplastic components. The Tailored Blank Line can also be combined with other technologies for even more efficient production. Let us advise you on how to further optimize your processes.

Tailored Blank Line as an integrated production system

Tapelaying process production system graphic

Experience efficiency in operation – the Tailored Blank Line

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Tailored Blank Line: Large series production of lightweight components

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