An owl sitting an a tree in the background a dark forest.

Based on your production recipes, Reports monitors your plant production and processes. That better equips your technologists, operators, maintenance and production managers and company’s top management with information to make the right decisions. 

A screenshot of the Software EVORIS

Explore the Reports features

A dark blue gradient background, in the foreground lines representling a network

Want to adapt your reports to better suit your needs? We provide you with individual customization capabilities to customize Reports to your requirements:

  • Customized reports for additional equipment, including DIEFFENBACHER’s and third-party equipment (incl. laboratory software)
  • ERP interface
  • Automated reporting via email

How Reports help you achieve smart production

Improves board quality
Reduces downtime
Increases output

Your contact

Stephan Kruse

EVORIS for the wood-based panel industry:

Stephan Kruse
Modernization Manager
+49 7262 65 212

Jonas Schmid

EVORIS for the forming industry

Jonas Schmid
Product Owner EVORIS
+49 7262 65 5721

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