An owl sitting an a tree in the background a dark forest.

Anomaly Detection is a browser-based app supported by artificial intelligence that allows you to detect deviations from the normal state of a production. In case of deviations, you can react quickly, prevent errors before they occur and increase your plant availability and productivity.

A screenshot of the Software EVORIS

Explore the Anomaly Detection app features

A dark blue gradient background, in the foreground lines representling a network
A screenshot of the Software EVORIS

Live view of anomalies

The live view of the anomaly curve shows current deviations from the normal state of production. Deviations can be quickly detected, and early countermeasures for higher plant availability are possible. 

A screenshot of the Software EVORIS

Anomaly history

The anomaly history shows historical anomalies and anomaly originators, enabling analysis.

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Introduction to Anomaly Detection

Partnership with Fraunhofer IOSB

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We have worked with Fraunhofer for many years in a successful partnership. Dr. Pfrommer and Dr. Hasterok from IOSB give insights into their contribution to EVORIS.

How Anomaly Detection helps you achieve smart production

Improves quality
Reduces downtime
Reduces rejects
Saves resources

Your contact

Stephan Kruse

EVORIS for the wood-based panel industry:

Stephan Kruse
Modernization Manager
+49 7262 65 212

Jonas Schmid

EVORIS for the forming industry

Jonas Schmid
Product Owner EVORIS
+49 7262 65 5721

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