MAIER Impact Mill


Surface layer production in particleboards
Preparation of filling and insulation material
Preparation of fuel for thermal utilization
Animal food and bedding

Customer benefits

Wide range of input materials, including pre-sized wood, annual plants, grain, seeds and spices
Fast screen exchange without removing the complete grinding ring
On-floor or pit installation; pneumatic product discharge laterally or downwards possible
Adjustable degree of material fineness
Low maintenance and service-friendly

Technical features

Grinding track segments and their configuration adaptable to the input material
Special fine hole screens with different mesh sizes applicable
Maintenance opening in casing for easy exchange of the rotor beater ledges
Wear-resistant, clamped and easily exchangeable grinding track segments
Divided beater ledges for selective exchange of the worn parts
Easy screen-grinding ring removal with suspension or hydraulic device according to machine size
Technical drawing Impact Mill
Operating principle Impact Mill
Impact Mill

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