Energy Systems
The firing system consists of an air-cooled reciprocating grate using the coarse biomass as main fuel. Examples include bark, wood chips, coarse trimmings. System can be equipped with various injection nozzles for combustion of dust and granulate fractions from screening, sawing, sanding, and recycled wood waste. Generating steam, heating thermal oil and providing hot gas to the dryer system can be controlled independently of each other in order to meet individual peak load demands. Recirculation of hot gas from downstream of the thermal oil heater is applied to optimize the combustion process and to allow best operational flexibility of the energy system.
Customer benefits
Technical features
Grate combustion capacity of up to 85 MW
Injection of almost any other fuel into the combustion chamber
Thermal oil heater size of up to 45 MW
Steam generation via flue gas or thermal oil
Integration of controls into one comprehensive automation system
Optional 24/7 online support and remote control

1) Thermal oil heater 2) Fuel feeding hopper 3) Grate and dust combustion system 4) Hot gas cyclone 5) Drum internals for OSB strands 6) Drum internals for particles 7) Cyclone battery 8) Trunnion rings, assemblies and drive

1) Thermal oil heater – With or without radiation heater. Usable with mineral and synthetic heat transfer fluids, meeting a broad range of process requirements

2) Fuel feeding hopper – Homogenization and even distribution of grate fuel for optimum combustion performance and operation control

3) Grate and dust combustion system – Broad fuel quality and operating flexibility help to meet the demands of various heat consumers

4) Hot gas cyclone – For ash separation in the hot gas flow up to 950°C. Optimized fluid dynamics (CFD analysis) to improve separation efficiency

5) Drum internals for OSB strands – for energy-efficient drying and homogeneous moisture

6) Drum internals for particless – for energy-efficient drying and homogeneous moisture

7) Cyclone battery – Optimized by using the fluid dynamics (CFD analysis to improve separation efficiency and pressure loss

8) Trunnion rings, assemblies and drive – Heavy-duty, reliable design for long-life operation with VFD-controlled main drive and auxiliary drive for backup operation

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