Sustainability as part of our strategy
Sustainability is part of our overarching corporate strategy. The further development and review of our sustainability strategy and activities are subject to a Steering Committee convened specifically for this purpose.
Development of measures
Project groups composed of managers and employees from relevant departments analyze and develop action plans. All employees have the opportunity to submit their suggestions via our idea management system. The Steering Committee reviews current progress and new ideas and examines emerging challenges on a regular basis.
The Sustainability Code (Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex DNK)
For a holistic view of all fields of action essential to us and better comparability, our sustainability initiative and the further development of our strategy are based on the 20 criteria of the Sustainability Code (DNK).
Sustainable Development Goals
We are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and support the achievement of the 17 goals within our scope of action.
The Paris Agreement
The Paris Agreement plays a particularly important role in the ecological aspect of sustainability. The goal is to limit global warming to clearly below two degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial levels, ideally to 1.5 degrees. We want to contribute to achieving this goal by reducing CO2 emissions as much as we can.
Do you have any questions regarding sustainability at DIEFFENBACHER? Please feel free to contact us: