Deep drawing of metal for the household appliance industry
The range of applications in the household appliance industry made of stainless steel or fiber-reinforced plastics is wide and calls for flexible system concepts. From development, assembly and commissioning to service and modernization, Dieffenbacher provides you with economical machines and systems for efficient production. As a system supplier, you have a partner at your side who enables you to react flexibly to production changes. Rely on reliable systems with high availability and fast die change concepts.
Products and processes for the household appliance industry
Hydraulic press
Precise and energy-efficient. Convince yourself of our extensive press product portfolio.
Press line for stainless steel forming
Economical production with low scrap. In the manufacture of stainless steel products, the material component represents a high proportion of costs.
Stainless steel forming
Producing high-quality sinks material-efficiently. In the manufacture of stainless steel products, the material represents a high cost component. Opt for economical forming processes with short cycle times, low scrap rates, and outstanding quality features.